Industry Guides

How Automated Technology is Reinventing the Pulp and Paper Industries

E-commerce is booming and so are the pulp and paper industries that supply corrugated boxes, inserts, and other packaged goods. While labor remains difficult to find, industries are looking for automated solutions. With consumer behavior driving this demand, SSI SCHAEFER took a deep look into the pulp and paper industry. This guide outlines the steps needed to understand what challenges face this industry and the automated distribution and retrieval systems that negate those issues. Our industry experts walk you through three real-world examples of facilities that utilize an automated warehouse for day-to-day operations. From a production facility for finished goods to a personal hygiene manufacturer, learn how SSI SCHAEFER solutions can go to work for you. 

The guide is free to download. If you wish to speak to an industry expert to discuss your application, let us know. We’ll be happy to schedule a call. 


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